Ad-Aware je antispywarový a antivirový program, vyvinutý společností Lavasoft, který detekuje a odstraňuje malware, spyware a adware na počítači uživatele.
Ad-Aware是一個由Lavasoft設計的軟件,有偵察及刪除惡意軟件的功能。 它可以偵察dialer、特洛伊木馬、流氓軟件、數據挖掘、惡意廣告軟件、寄生蟲、間諜軟件、瀏覽器綁架、Cookie等等。 概要. フリーウェアであるAd-Aware Free Antivirus+は1ヶ月試用可能で、それ以上は無償のライセンス登録が必要である。有料製品のAd-Aware Personal SecurityやAd-Aware Pro Securityなども販売されている。 Ad-Aware je antispywarový a antivirový program, vyvinutý společností Lavasoft, který detekuje a odstraňuje malware, spyware a adware na počítači uživatele. Jan 31, 2009 · Ad-Aware is an antispyware software developed by Lavasoft that detects and removes spyware, adware and other malware on a user's computer. Lavasoft offers a free, downloadable version called Ad-Aware Free, and three paid-for products called Ad-Aware Plus, Ad-Aware Pro and Ad-Aware Enterprise. Ad-Aware [ ˈæd ə.ˌwɛ̙ɹ ], edhe Ad-aware (lexo Aduare), është emri i markës së një vegle informatike, i cili kërkon dhe shuan nga hard-disku i kompjuterit veglat e futura spiunuese. Ad-Aware është publikuar nga firma Lavasoft.
This forum is for General Support Issues that do not pertain to a specific Lavasoft Product. Please do NOT post HijackThis logs in this forum.
msconfig.exe のスタートアップで AAWTray を探し,チェックを外す, コントロールパネル > システムとメンテナンス > 管理ツール > サービス > Lavasoft Ad-Aware Service の状態を「停止」と「手動」にする, オートアップデートに関するチェックをすべて外す May 20, 2020 · Vigilant or on one's guard against danger or difficulty. Stay aware! Don't let your guard down.· Conscious or having knowledge of something. 1918, W. B. Maxwell, chapter 7
Ad-Aware är ett antispionprogram och antivirusprogram utvecklat av Lavasoft som detekterar och tar bort sabotageprogram (så kallad malware) på användarens dator. Enligt Lavasoft detekterar Ad-Aware skadlig programvara så som datorvirus , spionprogram , annonsprogram , trojaner , modemkapning , rootkit , datautvinning , aggressiv
Ad-Aware é um programa anti-spyware da Lavasoft que detecta e remove software do computador pessoal quando o identifica como sendo spyware ou adware.Detecta, da mesma forma, dialers, trojans, malware, mineração de dados, publicidade agressiva, etc. [1] Adware is an advertising computer program that can be put there by other people on someone's computer, sometimes without their permission.It is controversial because sometimes businesses put the program there so they can see what people are doing or what web pages they are browsing. Double click the Ad-Aware icon on your desktop to launch the program Click on the Gear icon at the top of the start screen to access the preferences/setting window. Click the Scanning button. Under the Drives & Folders section, mark Scan within Archives with a green check. Ad-aware is a program that originally scanned Internet Explorer for Web beacons. Over time, this program grew into a full-blown security suite, including Anti-virus, Anti-spyware, Anti-adware, and Rookit-scanning. Character Details