Feb 11, 2009 · crond[3293]: (username) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) Ordinarily this is a simple matter, there is no corresponding user, but I am using central authentication and the username does exist and is usable via the standard nsswitch mechanism, so all other programs work with it, pam, ssh etc..

Change the NIS domain binding Actual results: NIS user cronjobs do not run and produce the following errors for the NIS users Oct 31 11:51:01 servername crond[####]: (username1) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) Oct 31 11:51:01 servername crond[####]: (username2) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) Expected results: The cronjobs for the users keep working crond[3293]: (username) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) Ordinarily this is a simple matter, there is no corresponding user, but I am using central authentication and the username does exist and is usable via the standard nsswitch mechanism, so all other programs work with it, pam, ssh etc.. Jul 22, 2004 · /var/spool/cron/ should have crons for valid users only..i.e only those crons are valid that are created for users with valid entry in /etc/passwd/ try removing invalid cron entries and restart cron daemon. Hi Thanks for your reply I have the following entries in /var/log/cron Sep 3 09:47:00 sun051 crond[971]: (tmp.9242) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) Sep 3 09:47:00 sun051 crond[971]: (tmp.9491) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) Sep 3 09:47:00 sun051 crond[971]: (tmp.9494) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) Sep 3 09:47:00 sun051 crond[971]: (tmp.9632) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) Sep 3 09:47:00 sun051 crond[971]: (tm cron[17959]: (*system*username-cron-file) ERROR (Syntax error, this crontab file will be ignored) cron[17959]: (username~) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) I deleted the spool entry and was able to recreate the cron file.

You might have this also if you manually edited the root cron file in /var/spool/cron as redhat systems will create a backup file named root~ and this will be executed as a job, but since there is no user named root~ it is considered an orphan. You can easily find these with this command in console or SSH: grep ORPHAN /var/log/cron

error:syslog:1 duplicate log entry for /var/log/messages. ログエントリが重複してる? cronでORPHAN (no passwd entry) エラーが出たら By default, cron will send mail using the mail 'Content-Type:' header of 'text/plain' with the 'charset=' parameter set to the charmap / codeset of the locale in which crond(8) is started up - ie. either the default system locale, if no LC_* environment variables are set, or the locale specified by the LC_* environment variables (see locale(7 That site had a few associated Cron jobs that I would have expected to be removed along with the account. (no passwd entry) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) ORPHAN (no

ORPHAN (no passwd entry) 171 查看ORACLE_HOME的另外一个方法 171 更改dmp文件中的字符集 -- dmp2utf8 161

Mar 11, 2010 · Orphan (no passwd entry) 2. What appears to be two different time zones in my log! [8314]: (*system*) PARSE (bad username) Mar 11 09:58:39 webserver001 /usr/sbin By default cron will mail any output from the command to the user it is running the command as. If there is no output there will be no mail. If you want cron to send mail to a different account then you can set the MAILTO environment variable in the crontab file e.g. MAILTO=user@somehost.tld 1 2 * * * /path/to/your/command Capture the output In menu -> setup -> network -> utilities -> samba After the (couch) update to 5.3.18 I found that samba was stopped and autostart was disabled. I can manually start and stop samba and when running I can see the box/HDD over the network on my Windows 10 laptop which indicates taht samba is actually working. Description of problem: Crond is started before sssd, so there are no remote users defined yet. Crond, as always, checks for crontab files in /var/spool/cron, but ignores files of non-existent users: i.e.: all non-local users. These files are not considered again when remote users become available. Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 21:59 Post subject: (crontabs) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) -- don't add user! Don't add a crontabs user. That will only confuse Vixie Cron into trying to read the directory /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ as if it were a crontab file (though probably nothing will happen). My system details and crontab entry is below: System details: Python: 2.7 OSX : 10.11 host$ crontab -l 11 11 13 10 4 2016 python pythonscript.py >> weekly.log | mail -s weekly.log myemail@.com Although when the crontab executes, the email sends me an email message with the subject line saying "weekly.log" with no body. I also placed one liners in /etc/cron.d or /var/spool/cron/crontabs with the name of the user, but the effect was the same just like if I modified this base crontab file: cron jobs not will be executed: